The Story of King Kong and Artec Leo | Central Scanning

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King Kong

Going Bananas Over 3D Scanning: The Story of King Kong and Artec Leo

King Kong and Artec Leo

Central Scanning was approached to help with the creation of a giant statue of King Kong in Birmingham, England. The statue was part of the Great Hampton Street Art project, which aimed to bring public art to the streets and create a vibrant cultural scene in the city.

The statue was designed by artist Nicholas Munro and was to be constructed from foam blocks. The challenge was to ensure the design was accurate, safe, and could be manufactured in a timely manner.

This is where Central Scanning came in.

The team used the Artec Leo 3D scanner to capture a detailed digital representation of the original maquette at Wolverhampton Art Gallery.

The data captured was then processed in Artec Studio to create an STL file, which was then converted to a CAD file with the help of G4S.

The CAD file was then used to verify the design for safety by Basestructures, ensuring the statue would be sturdy and secure.

Once the design was verified, the STL file was used to machine the foam blocks into the shape of the statue to become 7 metres high ! The final touch was provided by the Robocarv, which carved out the statue in pieces, giving it a smooth and polished finish.

King Kong and Artec Leo
Artec Leo
King Kong and Artec Leo

The result was a stunning and accurate representation of King Kong, standing tall at over 8 metres in height. The statue was a huge success, attracting crowds of people and becoming a popular landmark in Birmingham.

This project was a testament to the capabilities of our team and our equipment.

We are proud to have played a crucial role in ensuring the safety of this iconic sculpture and delivering a final product that truly captures the essence of the original design.
Nick Godfrey

Managing Director, Central Scanning

This project showcases the capabilities of Central Scanning and the impact 3D scanning and reverse engineering can have in the creation of public art.
The team used the latest technology to bring a creative vision to life, while still ensuring safety and accuracy in the design and manufacturing process.