Artec Leo 3D Scanner | Central Scanning | Portable 3D Scanner

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Artec Leo

Redefine Boundaries with the Artec Leo 3D Scanner from Central Scanning

Central Scanning, a trusted reseller of 3D scanners, is thrilled to offer the revolutionary Artec Leo 3D Scanner to professionals spanning across various sectors.

Building upon the stellar reputation of the Artec Eva and Space Spider, the Leo takes giant strides into new realms of innovation with its touchscreen, onboard processing backed by a robust quad-core processor, and a formidable solid state storage capacity.

This self-contained powerhouse redefines portability, packing in features that expedite and elevate the 3D scanning process to a pedestal.

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Exceptional Features:

Wireless Freedom:
The Artec Leo transcends the traditional constraints of wired connections, offering a liberating wireless experience that facilitates easy manoeuvring around objects, capturing every detail with pinpoint accuracy.

Onboard Processing:
With a robust quad-core processor at its core, the Leo effortlessly handles substantial computational tasks on-the-go. This attribute not only accelerates the scanning process but also simplifies the workflow, making it a boon for projects with tight deadlines.

High-Speed Data Capture:
The remarkable capture speed of 80 frames per second (FPS) sets the Leo a class apart from its competitors. This rapid data acquisition is quintessential in environments where time is of the essence, ensuring you never miss a beat in your project timelines.

Expansive Scan Volume:
Boasting a scan volume that eclipses others by almost three times, the Leo is a versatile asset capable of accommodating a myriad of scanning projects, irrespective of the size and complexity.

Real-time Inspection:
The embedded 5.5″ touchscreen is a window to real-time data inspection. This feature allows immediate on-site review and adjustments, ensuring thorough data capture before leaving the scene.

Ergonomic Craftsmanship:
The thoughtful ergonomic design, supplemented with an integrated power pack, paves the way for prolonged scanning sessions devoid of fatigue. The balanced construction provides easier access to difficult-to-reach areas, thus amplifying the scanner’s efficacy.

Core Specifications

  • Resolution: As sharp as 0.2mm
  • Accuracy: Precise up to 0.1mm
  • Onboard Storage: A vast 512 GB SSD
  • Operating Time: An enduring up to 6 hours on a full charge
  • AI-Driven HD Reconstruction: The Leo employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to refine the reconstruction process, delivering high-definition 3D models.
  • In-Field Calibration: Unwavering precision in varying operational environments courtesy of the in-field calibration feature.

Broad-Spectrum Applications

The self-sufficient nature and superior scanning prowess make the Artec Leo a prized asset across numerous sectors:

  • Educational Institutions: Aiding in interactive learning by bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and tangbullet01ible understanding through 3D models.
  • Heritage Conservation: Faithfully documenting the nuanced intricacies of historical artefacts and monuments for preservation and scholarly study.
  • Forensic Analysis: Equipping law enforcement with precise 3D reconstructions to further investigations and analysis.
  • Healthcare Sector: Significantly contributing to custom prosthetic design, pre-surgical planning, and more.


How does Artec Leo compare with other market offerings in 3D scanning?

The Leo distinguishes itself with unparalleled wireless operation, rapid capture speed, real-time in-field inspection, and robust onboard processing, all encapsulated in an ergonomic design, making it a preferred choice for professionals.

What kind of support does Central Scanning provide for Artec Leo users?

Central Scanning provides exhaustive training and support ensuring that you can leverage the full potential of the Leo for your specific applications.

How long does the battery last on a full charge?

The Artec Leo ensures up to six hours of continuous operation on a full charge, facilitating extensive scanning sessions without interruptions.

Download the Specification: pdfCSL Artec Leo

Embark on a Journey of Discovery with Artec Leo!

The Artec Leo is more than a 3D scanner; it’s a ticket to a realm of endless possibilities. Reach out to Central Scanning for a demo or more purchasing information, and commence a journey of discovery, innovation, and unparalleled efficiency in 3D scanning.