3D Printed Tools Are The Best Solution | Central Scanning

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Summary. Best 3D printed tools are revolutionising the tool manufacturing industry. With rapid creation, reduced costs, and precision, they address both modern and obsolete tool needs. Central Scanning offers efficient, tailored solutions, ensuring toolmakers stay ahead in today’s fast-paced technological landscape.


Tool makers, it’s time to embrace 3D Printing.

Keeping ahead of the game.

At a time when technology is racing forward at a breakneck pace, for toolmakers, keeping up with the pack can be difficult.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the world of travel.

The design and mechanics – inside and out – of cars, trains and planes are constantly evolving. Models are becoming faster, more energy efficient, and streamlined. Each new piece of kit requires its own set of unique tools.

When a job needs doing yesterday, the tools need to be ready to use there and then, or you risk the chance of losing your customers.

This all comes down to availability.

Designers and creators take time to design and create new tools using traditional methods – they test them and then ship them. If the tool is wrong, they must repeat the process all over again.

The thing is, it’s no easy ride to maintain older modes of transport either.

When working with older vehicles, it’s a given that parts are replaced – new and old working side by side. So, what happens when the original parts start to fail?

Manufacturers no longer produce the tools for those components, making them hard to find or even non-existent.

Whether it’s restoring a classic car, maintain a working train or fixing a vintage airplane – if the tools aren’t working, neither is the vehicle.

This is where 3D Printing is saving Tool Manufacturers.

So how does a tool manufacturer keep up to speed, and at the same time maintain impeccable quality?

The fastest and most effective way to have a tool at your disposal is to 3D print it…

If a piece of machinery needs an obsolete or hard-to-find tool, Central Scanning’s ZEISS Comet Compact L3D2 can capture the part’s dimensions. 3D printed tools are the best solution.

At every step, Central Scanning brings your ideas to life.

By using reverse engineering, we design a unique tool to fit the component. We then print it with Central Scanning’s state-of-the-art 3D printers, making it ready to use within hours.

We make all parts of the tool or fixture from durable thermoplastics and/or resins.

Then we mix the resins to achieve a wide range of shore harnesses or colours. We can also reinforce some of these plastics with composite fibres to enhance strength and reduce flexibility.

Moreover, we check the parts dimensionally against the printed file to ensure they meet the required tolerances. Reports can be as simple as a basic dimensional colour map to measuring specific features on a part.

FAQ: Embracing 3D Printing for Tool Manufacturing with Central Scanning

Why should toolmakers consider 3D printing for their manufacturing needs? 3D printing offers toolmakers rapid production, cost efficiency, and precision. It allows for the quick creation of both modern tools and obsolete or hard-to-find tools, ensuring toolmakers can keep pace with technological advancements and maintain the highest quality standards.

How does 3D printing benefit the production of tools for older vehicles and machinery? For older vehicles and machinery where original parts and tools are no longer produced, 3D printing provides a solution by enabling the creation of custom tools through reverse engineering. This ensures that even vintage cars, trains, and planes can be maintained effectively.

What technology does Central Scanning use to create 3D printed tools? Central Scanning uses advanced 3D scanning technology, such as the ZEISS Comet Compact L3D2, to capture precise dimensions of components. We then utilise state-of-the-art 3D printers to produce durable tools made from thermoplastics, resins, and reinforced composite fibers.

What are the key advantages of using 3D printed tools over traditional methods? 3D printed tools offer several advantages, including faster production times, reduced labor and shipping costs, greater precision for complex tools, and less material waste. Additionally, 3D printing uses less energy, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

Why should I choose Central Scanning for 3D printing my tools? Central Scanning combines cutting-edge technology with a team of highly skilled engineers to provide top-tier 3D printing services. We offer a comprehensive process from initial design to the final product, ensuring that your tools meet exact specifications and are ready for use in hours.

Are you still questioning why 3D printed tools are the best option?… it’s time for the bullet points…

  • Speed – A tool can be produced in hours, saving money on material – retaining clients in the process.
  • Cost – 3D printing a tool means that labour cost and shipping costs reduce immensely.
  • Intricacy – using the pinpoint accuracy of Central Scanning’s 3D printers, more complex tools can be built quickly and checked immediately to make sure they are within tolerance.
  • Waste Control – building a tool with a 3D printer to a specific spec means less material is wasted.
  • Environment – Less energy is used to 3D print a tool, than creating one using slower, more traditional methods.

The quality of our equipment and hardware, together with highly skilled engineers, means we can provide a premier level of expertise alongside cutting-edge technology.

As well as undertaking the printing, Central Scanning can also help guide the customer through from their designs and initial concepts, all the way through to the finished product. 3D printed tools are the best option, but if you are still unsure, get in touch with us.

Our goal is simple… to develop close working relationships with our clients so we can provide an attentive, professional and efficient service.

Tool makers, it’s time to get ahead of the pack – call Central Scanning today about our 3D printing service and start to turn your wildest dreams into a solid reality.

We 3D Scan, We 3D Print, We 3D Care….