How Does Laser Scanning Work? - Central Scanning

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Summary. Laser Scanning is a non-damaging 3D technique offering precise digital models for sectors like aerospace and medical.

What Is Laser Scanning?

It is an essential part of modern 3D printing. Laser scanning involves the use of lasers to survey and produce a detailed digital model of an object. This does not involve any degree of contact or damage to the scanned object. Therefore, removing any limits imposed by older scanning technology.

Modern systems use a fine line of laser light to fully capture the precise size and shape of an object, with a high degree of accuracy. After that, the data can then be turned into a range of file formats. Therefore, you are able to create a CAD model for reverse engineering, a pattern for an animation rig or a compatible format for your chosen method of processing. It is highly effective for a range of sectors. For instance, this includes aerospace and engineering, the medical sector, and creative industries. It lets you work quickly, accurately and with minimal resource expenditure.

Quick, efficient and straightforward. Laser scanning is an easy way to create a digital copy of your item of choice for a range of purposes.

What Are The Advantages Of Laser Scanning?

Choosing to scan an object carries several positives, including:

Speed: Compared to previous cast-based model-making or digital scanning methods, modern laser scanning is quick, simple and reliable. It can be carried out by using the best tool for the job. Whether it is a hand-held device, or an array of different scanners.

Precision: The data collected from a data scan is as voluminous as it is precise. A standard scan creates what is known as a ‘point cloud’ of information from the object that it is made up from. This allows for an unprecedented level of accuracy for the dimensions of every object.

Flexibility: No matter what you need a scan for, there is a range of options available to you. From animation, aerospace design, medical research, or straightforward data acquisition for a range of sectors.

Insight: Along with the external elements of an object, the scanning technology can be used to view the internal elements of a piece. This allows for an unprecedented level of insight into the item being scanned. In addition, gives an increased level of understanding about the finished piece.

Follow through: Once you scan your item, you can print or model it quickly as required. Choosing a provider with 3D printing capacity can allow you to benefit from a fully realised final model or multiple proofs of concepts.

What Should I Do Next?

If you want to learn more about our range of packages at Central Scanning, you can view our services. You can get in touch with our team directly. As well as, let us know exactly what you need to complete your project. Whether it is reverse engineering, 3D printing, or more.

This also includes the rental of kit and equipment. Therefore, allowing you to take your work into your own hands with the provision of training that our in-house teams deliver. In addition, continue to support as you work to complete your chosen project.