Artec 3D Full Body Scanners for the Medical Industry

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Summary. 3D body scanners transform healthcare, delivering pinpoint accuracy in prosthetics and post-surgery solutions. With Artec technology, professionals quickly obtain detailed human anatomy insights, enhancing patient care and making monumental strides in the medical field.


Since the 1980s, the cutting-edge technology of 3D scanning has quickly transformed the medical industry, amongst other major sectors. 3D body scanners, especially, have allowed healthcare professionals to produce an intricately detailed analysis of the human anatomy. A full body scanner is not only accurate in its takings, but it’s also rapid which is ideal when time is so precious.

Artec 3D scanners take three-dimensional scans; covering shapes, measurements and proportions in the most streamlined way possible. Compared to manual methods, this allows users to complete comprehensive studies on the human body in a matter of minutes. And these studies can be life-changing for patients across the globe.

What can Artec body scanners achieve?

Both handheld and booth 3D body scanners can make a significant difference in healthcare processes. Below is a closer insight into some examples of their potential.

Related: Top 3 Handheld 3D Scanners From Artec 3D

3D Printed Body Part Prosthesis

Traditionally, prosthetic limbs are designed by taking extensive measurements of the individual’s residual limb. However, this can be a timely process, especially when accuracy is the number one priority. Prosthetics specialists can however use full body scanners to create speedy, millimetre-precise measurements of the opposing limb.

While this is a computerised technology, its reliability is matchless. Amputees are left with a 3D-printed Quatro prosthesis that has the full potential to give them mobility once again. The Artec Eva 3D scanner is an option for prosthesis measuring; in colour 3D, this scanner can capture all specifications.

Breast Cancer Prosthesis

Similarly, 3D body scanners have given breast cancer survivors innovative breast prosthesis that are custom-fit to their exact measurements. Undergoing a mastectomy is traumatising to the mind and body. However, Artec’s full body scanners have evolved their technology to help produce comfortable, easy-wearing and long-lasting breast prosthesis post-operation. Delivering nothing but confidence to patients.

This is completely bespoke to the patient. The Artec Eva 3D scanner, for example, can identify the exact body proportions in the chest area, ensuring that the external prosthetic fits perfectly.

Sub-Micron Filtration Respirator Masks

During COVID-19, children in the US were tackling both the pandemic and wildfire breakouts. Therefore, a next-level filtration system was required to ensure the health and safety of individuals. In came the Flo Mask; a reusable respirator mask with a unique filter and tailor-made gasket; designed to fit children of 4-12 years of age.

These masks were engineered with the help of Artec Eva. Scanning a child’s face was made easy and with complete accuracy of up to 0.1mm. Measuring from the ears to mouth for an effective fit.

3D Scanners at Central Scanning

Here at Central Scanning, we pride ourselves on being trusted Artec 3D Scanner stockists. 3D scanning technology is continuously evolving, giving the healthcare industry further support in the most complex tasks. 3D body scanners are and will continue to thrive in the medical sector, offering complete accuracy and efficiency.

Get in touch today at 01527 558 282 for more information on our scanners and how they can make a significant difference to your services.