Coronavirus | Keep Calm And Carry On | Central Scanning Update

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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is dominating headlines at the moment. Therefore, we wanted to take a moment to update our customers as to the pandemic’s impact on our operations, now and moving forward.

In common with other companies at this time, we are closely monitoring events around the world and particularly here in the UK. To sum up, for now we are still operating.

We Are Open And Continue To Support You

We are following advice being issued by the UK Government and World Health Organisation regarding safe working and social distancing. Therefore, we are keeping our business open. As long as Government restrictions allow, we will continue to support you as best we can.

Furthermore, we have asked some staff to work from home where it is practical to do so. Of course, not all of our work can be done in isolation, and we are continuing work both on- and off-site. For those at our base, we have instituted stricter cleaning and hand-sterilising requirements.

Our overriding priority at this time is, of course, the health and wellbeing of everyone within our business as well as that of our customers.

Central Scanning | Please Get In Touch

Central Scanning is closely assessing the situation and will update our clients and suppliers as necessary should anything change. We would ask for your patience, should there be any disruption to our business in the weeks and months ahead.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.